Trentham Archive Treasures Podcasts, listen to our history wherever you are.
Here you will find old copies of the Recorder, TDHS’s informative quarterly newsletter. For the most up to date edition, why not become a member.
Trentham Tales from The Trumpet and other stories from across the Web
Hidden Histories - The Rainbow CONNECTION
In this episode, planned to coincide with Pride Month, we explore ways of looking beyond assumptions of the past. We attempt to discover other histories, those not always acknowledged in versions previously presented.
The First Spudfest
At the conclusion of yet another successful Spudfest, we look back to earlier times and speak to those who were instrumental with getting it off the ground in 2008, the year of the Potato.
Writing a Family History
With an appreciative audience gathered at the TNC on Sunday the 19th of February, we were all treated to an excellent talk by Vicki Steggall, committee member of the TDHS and professional historian.
Vicki speaks of the difference between collating research and writing a family history, along with lots of tips and anecdotes of her experience writing family histories.
Cool Country Legends
To round out the first season of Trentham Archive Treasures, we revisit some of the anecdotes shared with us during earlier episodes. There have been local legends and tall tales, magnificent myths and sensational stories.
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