OUR Projects
WhAT we do
We are a practical, hardworking society, dedicated to telling the stories of Trentham.
From the store of community treasures inside our new archive centre, we build stories and publish them into booklets, in the Trentham Trumpet and other local papers each month, and in podcasts.
We also undertake research for others and, of course, carefully curate and build our collection.
As a volunteer organisation without any regular funding, we work hard to build our membership and expand the ways in which people can learn about our history.
Recent and Current Projects
Installation of Trentham Timeline Panels (with the kind support of the Community Bank, Hepburn Shire Council, Trentham Masonic Lodge and local donations)
New archive centre to store and manage the collection of historical documents, maps, books, photos and artefacts (with the substantial support of the Community Bank).
Equipment and technology to enhance the storage, digitisation and curatorship of the collection (with support from a Regional Access Collections Program grant).
New website to further enhance the engagement with the local community and promote awareness of the history of the town and surrounding districts (with support from a Local History Grants Program – Public Records Office Victoria)
Assisting in a revised history of Trentham, to be published as a book
Creating decals for our shop windows that show how the shops and main street used to look, and information about their history
Our Living Legends interviews
A recently completed, three-part history of the Walsh family (serialised in the Recorder)
Our very popular ‘spud hut tour’ for visitors to Trentham’s annual Spudfest celebration
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