The First Spudfest
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The First Spudfest

At the conclusion of yet another successful Spudfest, we look back to earlier times and speak to those who were instrumental with getting it off the ground in 2008, the year of the Potato. 

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Writing a Family History
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Writing a Family History

With an appreciative audience gathered at the TNC on Sunday the 19th of February, we were all treated to an excellent talk by Vicki Steggall, committee member of the TDHS and professional historian. 

Vicki speaks of the difference between collating research and writing a family history, along with lots of tips and anecdotes of her experience writing family histories. 

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Cool Country Legends
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Cool Country Legends

To round out the first season of Trentham Archive Treasures, we revisit some of the anecdotes shared with us during earlier episodes.  There have been local legends and tall tales, magnificent myths and sensational stories.

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Who is Mrs C Price - Episode Three
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Who is Mrs C Price - Episode Three

In the final episode of who is 'Mrs C Price, Market St, Trentham', we follow the lead to Daylesford to find out what happened to young Harry.  We learn more details of Christina's siblings in the area and about the connections the family have to properties in Market St and, as always, we listen to a few more recipes.

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Who is Mrs C Price - Episode Two
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Who is Mrs C Price - Episode Two

In the second episode of who is 'Mrs C Price, Market St, Trentham' , we hear back from the Boort Historical Society, discover nuggets of information tucked away in the folders in the Archive Centre storage, and learn that digging onto the past can we very hard work.

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Who is Mrs C Price - Episode One
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Who is Mrs C Price - Episode One

Recipes, Recipes, Recipes, with the odd handy hint thrown in!

Just who is 'Mrs C Price, Market St, Trentham' provider of so many recipes to so many publications.

Join us on our journey as we learn the 'ins & outs' of historical research. How do we start, what help do we need & where might we go wrong.

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Recorder Snippets #4
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Recorder Snippets #4

The Recorder has been published by the Trentham and District Historical Society since it's beginnings in 1987. In this fourth episode of Recorder Snippets, we present a further selection of articles that were written in those early publications.

This episode includes digging up the past of a local blacksmith, gold in the Trentham area, an early concert at the Mechanics Hall and something notorious for Trentham - snow and mud.

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2022 Spud Hut Tour
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2022 Spud Hut Tour

For those who haven’t had the chance yet, hear highlights of the 2022 Spud Hut Tour which occurs as part of the annual Spudfest in Trentham. Join Beth Toomey from the historical society and Reg, a semi-retired spud-digger, as they share stories of the Spud Diggers Huts and the people who lived in them.

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Cinema & Film in Trentham
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Cinema & Film in Trentham

We all love the movies, whether our tastes tend towards block-busters on an epic scale or intimate art-house offerings. In this episode we explore the showing of pictures in Trentham, exciting times when the movie cameras came to town, and the history of cinema in Australia beginning in the 19th century.

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